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Introduction to Chinese Culture by Li Yunfang

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中国文化 Chinese Culture

China – 中国 – Zhōngguó



Thanks to Ms. Li Yunfang for her her contribution!


一 地理概况 Geographical Situation of China (yī dìlǐ ɡàikuànɡ)

1.面积: 960万平方公里 area: 9.6 million square km

miàn jī: 960 wàn pínɡ fānɡ ɡōnɡ lǐ


2. 形状: 雄鸡 shape: Rooster

xínɡ zhuànɡ : xiónɡ jī

3. 行政划分: 34个省级行政单位 34 provincial administrative units



Including 23 provinces, 4 municipalities directly under the central government (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing), 5 autonomous regions (Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang), 2 special administrative regions (Hong Kong, Macao)

xínɡ zhènɡ huà fēn : 34 ɡè shěnɡ jí xínɡ zhènɡ dān wèi。

bāo kuò 23 ɡè shěnɡ 、4 ɡè zhí xiá shì(běi jīnɡ 、tiān jīn 、shànɡ hǎi 、chónɡ

qìnɡ ) 、5 ɡè zì zhì qū(nèi měnɡ ɡǔ zì zhì qū 、ɡuǎnɡ xī zhuànɡ zú zì zhì

qū 、 xī zànɡ zì zhì qū 、nínɡ xià huí zú zì zhì qū hé xīn jiānɡ wéi wú ěr zì

zhì qū ) 、 2 ɡè tè bié xínɡ zhènɡ qū ( xiānɡ ɡǎnɡ 、ào mén )

map of provinces in china


4. 母亲河:华夏文明的发源地,长江和黄河

Mother Rivers: the birthplace of Chinese civilization, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River

mǔ qīn hé : huá xià wén mínɡ de fā yuán dì , chánɡ jiānɡ hé huánɡ hé

5. 五岳: 东岳泰山、西岳华山、南岳衡山、北岳恒山、中岳嵩山

The five mountains:

East Mountain Taishan in Shandong, West Mountain Huashan in Shanxi, South Mountain Hengshan in Hunan, North Mountain Hengshan in Shanxi and Central Mountain Songshan in Henan

wǔ yuè :dōnɡ yuè tài shān 、xī yuè huà shān 、nán yuè hénɡ shān 、běi yuè hénɡ

shān 、 zhōnɡ yuè sōnɡ shān


二 历史演变 Historical Evolution (èr lì shǐ yǎn biàn)


The three emperors: Fu Xi, Shen Nong, Huang Di (dates unknown may be legendary)

sān huánɡ : fú xī 、 shén nónɡ 、 huánɡ dì

炎黄子孙 Chinese descent

yán huánɡ zǐ sūn

华夏文明 Chinese civilization

huá xià wén mínɡ

2. 朝代的的更迭 the change of dynasties

cháo dài de ɡēnɡ dié

夏 Xia , xià (about 2070 – 1600 BC)

商 Shang ,shānɡ (about 1600 – 1046 BC)

周 Zhou (1000 – 200 BC)

西周 Western Zhou ,

东周:春秋、战国 Eastern Zhou: the Spring and Autumn period、the Warring States period


xī zhōu

dōnɡ zhōu : chūn qiū 、 zhàn ɡuó

秦(公元前 221年建立)Qin dynasty was founded in 221 BC

qín ( ɡōnɡ yuán qián 221 nián jiàn lì )

汉 Han

西汉(公元前206年- 公元8年)Western Han

东汉(25年建立)eastern Han


xī hàn ( ɡōnɡ yuán qián 206 nián – ɡōnɡ yuán 8 nián )

dōnɡ hàn ( 25 nián jiàn lì )

三国(魏、蜀、吴)the three kingdoms

sān ɡuó ( wèi 、 shǔ 、 wú )

魏晋南北朝the Wei-Jin, Southern & Northern Dynasties periods

wèi jìn nán běi cháo


suí ( 581 nián -618 nián )


tánɡ ( 618 nián -907 nián )


北宋 Northern Song

南宋 Southern Song

sònɡ ( 960 nián -1127 nián )

běi sònɡ

nán sònɡ


yuán ( 1271 nián jiàn lì )


mínɡ ( 1368 nián -1644 nián )


qīnɡ ( 1636 nián -1911 nián )

3. 公元前841年,周平王东迁洛邑,中国有了准确纪年的开始

Accurate dating in China history began in 841BC, since the king Zhoupingwang moved the capital to Luoyi

ɡōnɡ yuán qián 841 nián ,zhōu pínɡ wánɡ dōnɡ qiān luò yì,zhōnɡ ɡuó yǒu le

zhǔn què jì nián de kāi shǐ

4. 秦朝是中国第一个封建统一的国家

The Qin Dynasty is the first Chinese feudal unified country

qín cháo shì zhōnɡ ɡuó dì yí ɡè fēnɡ jiàn tǒnɡ yī de ɡuó jiā

秦始皇统一中国Qin Shihuang unified China

qín shǐ huánɡ tǒnɡ yī zhōnɡ ɡuó

实行郡县制 Implementation of the system of prefectures and counties

shí xínɡ jùn xiàn zhì


unified the characters、currency、weights and measures

tǒnɡ yī wén zì 、 huò bì 、 dù liánɡ hénɡ

5. 唐朝出现了中国历史上唯一的女皇帝:武则天

In Tang dynasty, the only female emperor in China history came out

tánɡ cháo chū xiàn le zhōnɡ ɡuó lì shǐ shànɡ wéi yī de nǚ huánɡ dì :wǔ zé tiān

6. 成吉思汗远征Gen Gi Khan expedition

chénɡ jí sī hán yuǎn zhēnɡ

7. 1912年,中华民国政府成立,孙中山当选第一任总统

In 1912, the government of the Republic of China was founded; Sun Zhongshan was elected the first president (Sun Yat-sen)

1912 nián, zhōnɡhuá mínɡuó zhènɡfǔ chénɡlì,sūn zhōnɡ shān dānɡxuǎn dìyí rèn

zǒnɡ tǒnɡ

8. 1949年10月1日,中华人民共和国成立

The People’s Republic of China was founded in Oct. 1, 1949

1949 nián 10 yuè 1 rì,zhōnɡ huá rén mín ɡònɡ hé ɡuó chénɡ lì


三 姓氏文化 Surname Culture (sān xìnɡ shì wén huà)


Ever thought why the Chinese character for surname is formed by a feminine character?

“ nǚ ” zì pánɡ

母系氏族社会 matriarchal society

mǔ xì shì zú shè hu

父系氏族社会 patriarchal society

fù xì shì zú shè huì


The ancient Chinese name included 4 parts: family name, given name, zi and hao. For example, the famous poet in tang dynasty Libai, “li” is his family name, bai is his given name, and his zi is “taibai”, his “hao” is “qinglian jushi”.

(In ancient China, young man reaching the age of 20 and girls when they are going to marry, they will get a “biao zi4”. This is his or her formal name when they officially join the society. Literati and people who have a social position may have a “hao”.)

zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡǔ rén de xìnɡ mínɡ :xìnɡ、mínɡ 、zì 、hào ,rú tánɡ cháo shī rén Lǐbái ,xìnɡ lǐ ,mínɡ bái ,zì tài bái ,hào qīnɡ lián jū shì。

3.《百家姓》the book of family names.

李姓为最大姓 the surname “ li ” is the biggest surname in China now

《 bǎi jiā xìnɡ 》

lǐ xìnɡ wéi zuì dà xìnɡ


四 文字 Chinese Characters

sì wén zì

1. 传说 legend

chuán shuō

(1)伏羲发明说 Fuxi invented Chinese characters

(2)神农创造说(教民稼穑,teaching people to sow and reap; 结绳记事 knotting note)

Shennong created Chinese characters


Huang Di’s histographer Cangjie created the characters

( 1 ) fú xī fā mínɡ shuō

( 2 ) shén nónɡ chuànɡ zào shuō ( jiāo mín jià sè , jié shénɡ jì shì )

( 3 ) huánɡ dì shǐ ɡuān cānɡ jié zào zì shuō

2.汉字演变The evolution of Chinese characters

hàn zì yǎn biàn

evolution of chinese characters

(1)甲骨文inscriptions of oracle bones

jiǎ ɡǔ wén

chinese oracle bone turtle

(2)金文inscriptions on ancient bronze objects

jīn wén

chinese oracle bone bronze

(3)篆书seal character

大篆Big seal characters

小篆a style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty for the purpose of standardizing the script

zhuàn shū

dà zhuàn

xiǎo zhuàn

seal character 1        seal character 2

(4)隶书official script, an ancient style of calligraphy current in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.220)

lì shū

li shu

(5)楷书 standard script of handwriting

kǎi shū

standard script writing

(6)草书characters executed swiftly and with strokes flowing together

cǎo shū

cao shu   cao shu 2

(7)行书semi cursive script

xínɡ shū

semi cursive script


汉字结构 Construction of Characters (hàn zì jié ɡòu)

六书:the six categories of Chinese characters:

Self-explanatory characters, pictographs, pictophonetic characters, associative compounds, mutually explanatory characters and phonetic loan characters

liù shū

(1)象形 Pictographic characters or pictographs, e.g. 日 (sun) and 月 (moon)

xiànɡ xínɡ

liu shu 2

(2)会意 Associative compounds

huì yì

(3) 指事 The indicative characters

zhǐ shì

zhi shi

(4)形声A pictographic element and a phonetic element combine to form a pictophonetic character

xínɡ shēnɡ

(5)转注Synonymous words

zhuǎn zhù

(6)假借Phonetic loan characters

jiǎ jiè

4. 繁体字和简体字

Traditional style and simplified style

fán tǐ zì hé jiǎn tǐ zì

五 诸子百家 The Hundred Schools of Thought

wǔ zhū zǐ bǎi jiā

先秦时代思想家 philosophers of the Pre-Qin Era

xiān qín shí dài sī xiǎnɡ jiā

1.儒家 Confucian

rú jiā

诗书礼乐 poetry and music

shī shū lǐ yuè


Benevolence\ Righteousness \manners, the practice of art\ wisdom\ credit

rén yì lǐ zhì xìn


self-cultivating;family-regulating;state-ordering;The land great governed

xiū shēn \qí jiā \zhì ɡuó \pínɡ tiān xià

中庸 golden mean

zhōnɡ yōnɡ

积极入世 join the political affairs

jī jí rù shì

(1)孔子(公元前551年-前479年) 思想家、教育家

Confucius (ca.551 BC – 479 BC) philosopher, educator

kǒnɡ zǐ( ɡōnɡ yuán qián 551 nián – qián 479 nián )sī xiǎnɡ jiā 、jiào yù jiā

有教无类provide education for all people without discrimination

yǒu jiào wú lèi

弟子三千,贤者七十二人The three thousand disciples, sage seventy-two

dì zǐ sān qiān , xián zhě qī shí èr rén

仁:一切美德 “Ren”: Of all the virtues

rén : yì qiè měi dé


Mencius (ca. 385 BC – 304 BC), the student of Confucius’ grandson Zisi

mènɡ zǐ( yuē ɡōnɡ yuán qián 385 nián – qián 304 nián ) ,shì kǒnɡ zǐ de sūn zi zǐ sī de xué shenɡ

性善论theory of original goodness of human nature

xìnɡ shàn lùn

仁政 benevolent governance

rén zhènɡ

(3)荀子(约公元前313年-前238年)Xunzi (ca. 313 BC – 238 BC)

xún zǐ ( yuē ɡōnɡ yuán qián 313 nián – qián 238 nián )

性恶论 theory of original evil of human nature

xìnɡ è lùn


强调后天教育的作用Stress the role of Education after birth

《 quàn xué piān 》 , qiánɡ diào hòu tiān jiào yù de zuò yònɡ

2.道家 Taoist

dào jiā

消极避世Negative masquerade

无为而治govern by doing nothing that goes against nature

顺乎天然 fallow the nature

xiāo jí bì shì

wú wéi ér zhì

shùn hū tiān rán

(1)老子(约公元前571年-前472年),Laozi (ca. 571 BC – 472 BC)

lǎo zi(yuē ɡōnɡ yuán qián 571 nián – qián 472 nián ),Laozi (ca. 571 BC – 472 BC)

无为而治govern by doing nothing that goes against nature

《道德经》[Dao De Jing] of Laozi

“道” Tao, the Way of Nature which cannot be given a name

wú wéi ér zhì

《 dào dé jīnɡ 》

“ dào ”

(2)庄子(约公元前369年-前286年)Zhuangzi (ca. 369 BC – 286 BC)

zhuānɡ zi ( yuē ɡōnɡ yuán qián 369 nián – qián 286 nián )

自然无为 calm and content himself of nature

无用之用 the great use of uselessness

zì rán wú wéi

wú yònɡ zhī yònɡ


It should be better to forget each other than helping each other when both are in humble circumstances

xiānɡ rú yǐ mò , bù rú xiānɡ wànɡ yú jiānɡ hú



–You are not the fish, how could you know its happiness?

–You are not me, how could you know that I don’t know the fish’s happiness?

“ zǐ fēi yú , ān zhī yú zhī lè ?

zǐ fēi wǒ , ān zhī wǒ bù zhī yú zhī lè ? ”

庄周梦蝴蝶 Zhuangzi dreamed the butterfly

zhuānɡ zhōu mènɡ hú dié

坐忘、修身养性 Period, self-cultivation

zuò wànɡ 、 xiū shēn yǎnɡ xìnɡ

3.墨家 moist

mò jiā

兼爱、非攻、非命 love\ no attack\no destiny

jiān ài 、 fēi ɡōnɡ 、 fēi mìnɡ

墨子(约公元前468年-前376年)Mozi (ca. 468 BC – 376 BC)

mò zǐ ( yuē ɡōnɡ yuán qián 468 nián – qián 376 nián )

4. 法家 Legalist school

fǎ jiā

法 law

术 tactics

势 power



韩非子(约公元前280年-前233年)Han Feizi (ca. 280 BC – 233 BC)

hán fēi zǐ ( yuē ɡōnɡ yuán qián 280 nián – qián 233 nián )

5. 汉代经学Study of Confucian classics in Han Dynasty

hàn dài jīnɡ xué

魏晋玄学Metaphysics in the Wei and Jin Dynasties

wèi jìn xuán xué

宋明理学Song Ming Neo-Confucianism

sònɡ mínɡ lǐ xué

清代朴学The textology of the Qing Dynasty

qīnɡ dài pǔ xué

六 宗教信仰 Religious Belief

liù zōnɡ jiào xìn yǎnɡ

The main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism.

1. 多神信仰 Polytheism

duō shén xìn yǎnɡ

2. 三大崇拜 Three worships

sān dà chónɡ bài

天地 heaven and earth

生之本the fundamental of existence

祖先 ancestors

类之本the fundamental of being a human

君师 kings and masters

治之本the fundamental of managing the country

tiān dì shēnɡ zhī běn

zǔ xiān lèi zhī běn

jūn shī zhì zhī běn

师:(文武)孔子和关公 masters, refer to Confucius and Guan Gong

shī : ( wén wǔ ) kǒnɡ zǐ hé ɡuān ɡōnɡ

图腾 totem

家祠 Ancestral temple, 帝王庙 imperial temple

tú ténɡ

jiā cí,dì wánɡ miào

3. 西汉末年,佛教传入中国 Buddhism was introduced into china at the end of The Western Han Dynasty

xī hàn mò nián , fó jiào chuán rù zhōnɡ ɡuó

《西游记》A journey to the West

《 xī yóu jì 》

4. 东汉中叶, 道教产生 Taoist appeared in the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty

dōnɡ hàn zhōnɡ yè, dào jiào chǎn shēnɡ

民间信仰 folk belief

迷信 superstition

得道长生 immortality by great achievements in the Tao


mín jiān xìn yǎnɡ

mí xìn

dé dào chánɡ shēnɡ

liàn jīn shù

5. 唐代, 伊斯兰教传入Islam was introduced into China in Tang Dynasty

tánɡ dài, yī sī lán jiào chuán rù

6. 唐贞观年间, 基督教传入 Christianity was introduced into China during the “Zhen Guan” period of Tang Dynasty

tánɡ zhēn ɡuān nián jiān, jī dū jiào chuán rù


七 古代教育 Ancient Education (qī ɡǔ dài jiào yù)

1. 六艺 the six skills

礼:规章仪式 etiquette

乐:音乐舞蹈 dance and music

射:射箭shoot an arrow

御:骑马驾车horse riding and driving

书:历史 history

数:数学 math

liù yì

lǐ : ɡuī zhānɡ yí shì

yuè : yīn yuè wǔ dǎo

shè : shè jiàn

yù : qí mǎ jià chē

shū : lì shǐ

shù : shù xué

2. 大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。

The meaning of “The Great Learning” is in the family, in people, in the aim at absolute perfection

dà xué zhī dào , zài mínɡ mínɡ dé , zài qīn mín , zài zhǐ yú zhì shàn 。

3. 重农、重教 pay attention to agriculture and education

zhònɡ nónɡ 、 zhònɡ jiào

4. 科举取士imperial examination to select talents

kē jǔ qǔ shì

四书五经: [sì shū wǔ jīng]

The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Confucian Analects, and The Works of Mencius) and The Five Classics (The Book of Songs, The Book of History, The Book of Changes, The Book of Rites and The Spring and Autumn Annals)


八 四大发明 The Four Great Inventions

bā sì dà fā mínɡ

1. 指南针 compass


The prototype of the compass is the “Si Nan”(means pointing to south) in the warring states period, the compass is recorded in the documents written in the Northern Song Dynasty.

zhǐ nán zhēn

zhǐ nán zhēn de yuán xínɡ shì zhàn ɡuó shí qī de sī nán,běi sònɡ yǒu zhǐ nán

zhēn de jì zǎi.

2. 火药fire powder

发明于隋唐时期 the fire powder was invented during the Sui-Tang Dynasties period.

huǒ yào

fā mínɡ yú suí tánɡ shí qī

3. 造纸术paper-making

公元前2 世纪的西汉初年已经出现了纸,东汉蔡伦在公元105年改进造纸术,成功地造出了植物纤维纸。

As early as the 2nd Century BC, that was the beginning of the Western Han, the paper appeared. In the year 105 AD, Cai Lun,who lived in the Eastern Han, had improved the technology of making paper, and produced the plant fiber paper successfully.

zào zhǐ shù

ɡōnɡ yuán qián 2 shì jì de xī hàn chū nián yǐ jīnɡ chū xiàn le zhǐ,dōnɡ hàn

cài lún zài ɡōnɡ yuán 105 nián ɡǎi jìn zào zhǐ shù,chénɡ ɡōnɡ de zào chū le

zhí wù xiān wéi zhǐ 。

4. 活字印刷术movable type printing


The movable type printing was originated from the block printing of Sui Dynasty. Bi Sheng, who lived in the Northern Song, first invented movable type printing between years 1004-1048.

huó zì yìn shuā shù

huó zì yìn shuā shù yuán yú suí cháo shí hou de diāo bǎn yìn shuā,běi sònɡ bì

shēnɡ zài ɡōnɡ yuán 1004 nián zhì 1048 nián jiān fā mínɡ le jiāo ní huó zì

yìn shuā shù。


九 传统习俗 Traditional Customs

jiǔ chuán tǒnɡ xí sú

1.十二生肖 12 zodiac symbols

shí èr shēnɡ xiāo

鼠 牛 虎

Rat  1984年 Ox  1985年 Tiger  1986年

兔 龙 蛇

Rabbit  1987年  Dragon   1988年  Snake   1989年

马 羊 猴

Horse   1990年  Goat   1991年  Monkey   1992年

鸡 狗 猪

Rooster   1993年  Dog   1994年  Pig   1995年

shǔ niú hǔ

tù lónɡ shé

mǎ yánɡ hóu

jī ɡǒu zhū

2. 吉祥物 mascot

jí xiánɡ wù

ji xiang wu

龙 dragon,lónɡ

凤 phoenix,fènɡ

龟 turtle,ɡuī

麟 kylin, unicorn


Kylin is an animal created by imagination, with deer body, ox tail, fish scales and a unicorn, unicorn is the symbol of peace and virtue.


lù shēn 、 niú wěi 、 yú lín 、 dú jiǎo , xiànɡ zhēnɡ hé pínɡ hé měi dé


3. 颜色:红黄为尊,黑白为贬

Red and yellow colors are respected colors, while black and white are not good ones.

According to the Chinese tradition and customs, civil activities must use a cheerful red color.

yán sè : hónɡ huánɡ wéi zūn , hēi bái wéi biǎn


金——白色 white color 木——青色 green color

水——黑色 black color 火——赤色 red color

土——黄色 yellow color

wǔ xínɡ duì yìnɡ de yán sè

jīn — bái sè mù — qīnɡ sè

shuǐ — hēi sè huǒ — chì sè

tǔ — huánɡ sè

4. 方位:东、南为尊 east and south are the respected directions

fānɡ wèi : dōnɡ 、 nán wéi zūn

5. 五行 the five elements

金 木 水 火 土


wǔ xínɡ

jīn mù shuǐ huǒ tǔ


金——一 one 木——二 two

水——三 three 火——四 four

土——五 five

wǔ xínɡ duì yìnɡ de shù lǐ

jīn — yī mù — èr

shuǐ — sān huǒ — sì

tǔ — wǔ


金——西方 west 木——东方 east

水——北方 north 火——南方 south

土——中央 middle

wǔ xínɡ duì yìnɡ de fānɡ xiànɡ

jīn — xī fānɡ mù — dōnɡ fānɡ

shuǐ — běi fānɡ huǒ — nán fānɡ

tǔ — zhōnɡ yānɡ


金——燥 dry 木——风 windy

水——寒 cold 火——暑 hot

土——湿 wet

wǔ xínɡ duì yìnɡ de tiān qì

jīn — zào mù — fēnɡ

shuǐ — hán huǒ — shǔ

tǔ – shī

五行相生相克 mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements

wǔ xínɡ xiānɡ shēnɡ xiānɡ kè

mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements


五行和阴阳的关系 relationship between “Yin”& “Yang” and the five elements

水:太阴极限状态 water: status of limit of “Tai Yin”

木:阴消阳长状态 wood: status of “Yin declining when Yang growing”

火:太阳极限状态fire: status of limit of “Tai Yang”

土:阴阳平衡状态 earth: status of balance between “Yin” and “Yang”

金:阳消阴长状态 metal: status of “Yang declining when Yin growing”

wǔ xínɡ hé yīn yánɡ de ɡuān xi

shuǐ : tài yīn jí xiàn zhuànɡ tài

mù : yīn xiāo yánɡ zhǎnɡ zhuànɡ tài

huǒ : tài yánɡ jí xiàn zhuànɡ tài

tǔ : yīn yánɡ pínɡ hénɡ zhuànɡ tài

jīn : yánɡ xiāo yīn zhǎnɡ zhuànɡ tài



“Shichen” is one kind of Chinese ancient time method, 24 hours are divided into 12 shichen, starts from 11 p.m., and each shichen is corresponding to one sign of the zodiac.

wǔ xínɡ yǔ shí chén

shí chén shì zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡǔ dài de yì zhǒnɡ jì shí fānɡ fǎ,24 xiǎo shí ɡònɡ fēn

wéi 12 ɡè shí chén,cónɡ wǎn shɑnɡ 11 diǎn kāi shǐ,yǔ 12 shǔ xiànɡ xiānɡ duì

yìnɡ :


12 shichen: zi, chou, yin, mao, chen, si, wu, wei, shen, you, xu, hai.

shí èr shí chén : zǐ 、 chǒu 、 yín 、 mǎo 、 chén 、 sì 、 wǔ 、 wèi 、 shēn 、 yǒu 、 xū 、 hài ;

按五行来说: According to the five elements,

àn wǔ xínɡ lái shuō :


yin\mao\chen belong to wood, dominate spring, and stand for the east;

yín 、 mǎo 、 chén shǔ mù , zhǔ zǎi chūn jì , dài biǎo dōnɡ fānɡ ;


si\wu\wei belong to fire, dominate summer, and stand for the south;

sì 、 wǔ 、 wèi shǔ huǒ , zhǔ zǎi xià jì , dài biǎo nán fānɡ ;


shen\you\xu belong to metal, dominate autumn, and stand for the west;

shēn 、 yǒu 、 wù shǔ jīn , zhǔ zǎi qiū jì , dài biǎo xī fānɡ ;


hai\zi\chou belong to water, dominate winter, and stand for the north.

hài 、 zǐ 、 chǒu shǔ shuǐ , zhǔ zǎi dōnɡ jì , dài biǎo běi fānɡ ;


Individually, chen\wei\xu\chou belong to earth, stand for center, and dominate the last month of the year

chén、wèi、xū、chǒu dān ɡè ér yán dōu shǔ tǔ,dài biǎo zhōnɡ fānɡ,zhǔ zǎi sì

jì zuì hòu yí ɡè yuè 。


十 传统节日 Traditional Festivals (shí chuán tǒnɡ jié rì)

1. 24节气,根据农事活动制定 The 24 Solar Terms, according to agricultural production

24 jié qi , ɡēn jù nónɡ shì huó dònɡ zhì dìnɡ

he 24 Solar Terms, according to agricultural production

立春 Spring begins. lì chūn

雨水 The rains. yǔ shuǐ

惊蛰 Insects awaken. jīnɡ zhé

春分 Vernal Equinox. chūn fēn

清明 Clear and bright. qīnɡ mínɡ

谷雨 Grain rain. ɡǔ yǔ

立夏 Summer begins. lì xià

小满 Grain buds. xiǎo mǎn

芒种 Grain in ear. mánɡ zhǒnɡ

夏至 Summer solstice. xià zhì

小暑 Slight heat. xiǎo shǔ

大暑 Great heat. dà shǔ

立秋 Autumn begins. lì qiū

处暑 Stopping the heat. chǔ shǔ

白露 White dews. bái lù

秋分 Autumn Equinox. qiū fēn

寒露 Cold dews. hán lù

霜降 Hoar-frost falls. shuānɡ jiànɡ

立冬 Winter begins. lì dōnɡ

小雪 Light snow. xiǎo xuě

大雪 Heavy snow. dà xuě

冬至 Winter Solstice. dōnɡ zhì

小寒 Slight cold. xiǎo hán

大寒 Great cold. dà hán


(1)春节 the Spring Festival ( New Year’s Day of the Chinese lunar calendar) 农历正月初一 1st of the first month of the lunar year

chuán tǒnɡ jié rì

chūn jié, nónɡ lì zhēnɡ yuè chū yī

(2)元宵节(灯节) the Lantern Festival

农历正月十五15th of the first month of the lunar year

yuán xiāo jié ( dēnɡ jié ) ,nónɡ lì zhēnɡ yuè shí wǔ

(3)清明节 the Qing Ming Festival

四月五日前后about 5th of April of the lunar year

qīnɡ mínɡ jié ,sì yuè wǔ rì qián hòu

4)端午节 the Dragon-Boat Festival

农历五月初五 5th of May of the lunar year

duān wǔ jié ,nónɡ lì wǔ yuè chū wǔ

(5)中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival(the Moon Festival)

农历八月十五15th of August of the lunar year

zhōnɡ qiū jié ,nónɡ lì bá yuè shí wǔ

(6)重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival

农历九月初九9th of September of the lunar year

chónɡ yánɡ jié ,nónɡ lì jiǔ yuè chū jiǔ

(7)除夕New Year’s Eve

农历十二月三十日the last eve of the lunar year

chú xī,nónɡ lì shí èr yuè sān shí rì


十一 中医 Chinese Medicine (shí yī zhōnɡ yī)

1.医药 Chinese herbal medicine

yī yào

2.针灸 acupuncture

经络 acupuncture channels

穴位 acupuncture points

zhēn jiǔ

jīnɡ luò

xué wèi

3. 中医和五行的关系 relationship between Chinese medicine and the five elements

五行对应的身体部位 five elements with different boby parts

zhōnɡ yī hé wǔ xínɡ de ɡuān xi

wǔ xínɡ duì yìnɡ de shēn tǐ bù wèi

金——皮、鼻孔、肺脏、大肠。 Metal-skin, nose, lungs,big intestinal

木——筋、眼睛、肝、胆。 Wood-band, eye, liver, gall

水——骨、耳朵、肾脏、膀胱。 Water-bone, ear, kidney, bladder

火——脉、舌头、心脏、小肠。 Fire-pulse, tongue, heart, small intestine

土——肉、嘴巴、脾脏、胃。 Earth-meat, mouth, spleen, stomach

jīn — pí 、 bí kǒnɡ 、 fèi zànɡ 、 dà chánɡ 。

mù — jīn 、 yǎn jinɡ 、 ɡān 、 dǎn 。

shuǐ — ɡǔ 、 ěr duo 、 shèn zànɡ 、 pánɡ ɡuānɡ 。

huǒ — mài 、 shé tou 、 xīn zànɡ 、 xiǎo chánɡ 。

tǔ — ròu 、 zuǐ bɑ 、 pí zànɡ、 wèi 。

The five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth, held by the ancients to compose the physical universe and later used in traditional Chinese medicine to explain various physiological and pathological phenomena)

中医和五行的关系 relationship between Chinese medicine and the five elements

十二 天干地支纪年法 Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches Calendar (shí èr tiān ɡān dì zhī jì nián fǎ)

1.十天干:10 Heavenly stems

shí tiān ɡān




Jia\bing\wu\geng\ren are“Yang”stems; while yi\ding\ji\xin\gui are “Yin”stems

qí zhōnɡ jiǎ、bǐnɡ、wù、ɡēnɡ、rén wéi yánɡ ɡān ,yǐ、dīnɡ、jǐ、xīn 、ɡuǐ wéi

yīn ɡān 。

2.十二地支:12 Earthly Branches

shí èr dì zhī




Zi\yin\chen\wu\shen\xu are “Yang”branches, while chou\mao\si\wei\you\hai are “Yin”branches.

qí zhōnɡ zǐ 、 yín 、 chén 、 wǔ 、 shēn 、 xū wéi yánɡ zhī , chǒu 、 mǎo 、sì 、 wèi 、 yǒu 、 hài wéi yīn zhī.

(注:十二地支对应十二生肖——子:鼠;丑:牛;寅:虎;卯:兔;辰:龙;巳:蛇; 午:马;未:羊;申:猴;酉:鸡;戌:狗;亥:猪。)

( zhù : shí èr dì zhī duì yìnɡ shí èr shēnɡ xiāo — zǐ : shǔ ; chǒu : niú ; yín : hǔ ; mǎo : tù ; chén : lónɡ ; sì : shé ; wǔ : mǎ ; wèi: yánɡ ; shēn : hóu ; yǒu : jī ; xū : ɡǒu ; hài : zhū 。 )

天干地支纪年:Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches calendar

tiān ɡān dì zhī jì nián































































Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches originated during the “Yan Di” and “Huang Di” period, the beginning of the year is “li chun” (Spring Begins), not the first day of the first month in lunar calendar.

tiān ɡān dì zhī chǎn shēnɡ zài yán huánɡ shí qī,tiān ɡān dì zhī jì nián fǎ yǐ lì chūn zuò wéi yì nián de kāi shǐ ér bú shì yǐ nónɡ lì zhēnɡ yuè chū yī 。

chinese calender


“Ganzhi” is shot of “Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches ”. According to the ancient dictionary 《Ci Yuan》, “Ganzhi” means the stem and branch of the tree.

tiān ɡān dì zhī jiǎn chēnɡ“ɡān zhī” 。“cí yuán” lǐ shuō ,“ɡān zhī”qǔ yì yú

shù mù de “ ɡān zhī ” 。

3.生肖对应的时辰:Hours according to the zodiac (one Chinese hour has 120 mins.)

子(鼠)时(23点~01点) 丑(牛)时(01点~03点)

寅(虎)时(03点~05点) 卯(兔)时(05点~07点)

辰(龙)时(07点~09点) 巳(蛇)时(09点~11点)

午(马)时(11点~13点) 未(羊)时(13点~15点)

申(猴)时(15点~17点) 酉(鸡)时(17点~19点)

戌(狗)时(19点~21点) 亥(猪)时(21点~23点)

shēnɡ xiāo duì yìnɡ de shí chén :

zǐ(shǔ)shí(23 diǎn ~01 diǎn) chǒu(niú)shí(01 diǎn ~03 diǎn)

yín(hǔ)shí(03 diǎn ~05 diǎn) mǎo(tù)shí(05 diǎn ~07 diǎn)

chén(lónɡ)shí(07 diǎn ~09 diǎn) sì(shé)shí(09 diǎn ~11 diǎn)

wǔ(mǎ)shí(11 diǎn ~13 diǎn) wèi(yánɡ)shí(13 diǎn ~15 diǎn)

shēn(hóu)shí(15 diǎn ~17 diǎn) yǒu(jī)shí(17 diǎn ~19 diǎn)

xū(ɡǒu)shí(19 diǎn ~21 diǎn) hài(zhū)shí(21 diǎn ~23 diǎn)

chinese hours


十三 八卦 The Eight Trigrams (shí sān bā ɡuà)


The eight trigrams originated from ancient Chinese ideas about basic universe formation, corresponding to the rotation of the earth ( Yin and Yang ), agricultural society and philosophy of life combine with each other. The source material is from the book《Yi Jing》of the Western Zhou Dynasty, there are sixty-four trigrams, but no image. It has record as “Yi has Tai ji, tai ji produces two ‘yi’, two yi produces

Four ‘xiang’, and four ‘xiang’ produces eight‘gua’”.The modern textual criticism that the so-called Taiji is the cosmic, “liang yi” means heaven and earth, and “si xiang” is the images of four seasons, e.g. long sunshine summer called “tai yang”, while short-day winter called “tai yin”. Spring is lesser yang, while autumn is the lesser Yin. Each trigram is divided into three lines, absolutely means the 24 solar terms. On the surface, the “Taiji nosy map” obviously refers to the rotation of the earth then goes round and begins again.

bā ɡuà yuán yú zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡǔ dài duì jī běn de yǔ zhòu shēnɡ chénɡ、xiānɡ

yīnɡ rì yuè de dì qiú zì zhuàn ( yīn yánɡ ) ɡuān xi 、 nónɡ yè shè huì hé

rén shēnɡ zhé xué hù xiānɡ jié hé de ɡuān niàn 。 zuì yuán shǐ zī liào lái

yuán wéi xī zhōu de yì jīnɡ , nèi rónɡ yǒu liù shí sì ɡuà , dàn méi yǒu tú

xiànɡ 。《yì zhuàn 》 jì lù “ yì yǒu tài jí , shì shēnɡ liǎnɡ yí 。 liǎnɡ yí

shēnɡ sì xiànɡ, sì xiànɡ shēnɡ bā ɡuà 。 ” ɡù jìn dài kǎo zhènɡ rèn wéi suǒ

wèi tài jí jí yǔ zhòu , liǎnɡ yí zhǐ tiān dì , sì xiànɡ jiù shì sì jì tiān

xiànɡ ; rú chánɡ rì zhào de xià jì chēnɡ tài yánɡ , duǎn rì zhào de dōnɡ

jì chēnɡ tài yīn ,chūn shì shào yánɡ , qiū shì shào yīn , ér bā ɡuà zài

fēn sān yáo , zì rán shì zhǐ niàn sì jié qi 。 biǎo miàn shànɡ “ tài jí bā

ɡuà tú ” mínɡ xiǎn shì zhǐ dì qiú zì zhuàn yì zhōu nián ér fù shǐ 。




Tai Chi diagram: white’s up and black’s down, a clockwise direction

tài jí tú : bái shànɡ hēi xià , shùn shí zhēn fānɡ xiànɡ


8 trigrams


Taiji nosy map

The Eight Trigrams (eight combinations of three whole or broken lines formerly used in divination)

tài jí bā ɡuà tú

八卦代表八种基本物象: 乾为天, 坤为地, 震为雷, 巽为风, 艮为山, 兑为泽, 坎为水, 离为火, 总称为经卦, 由八个经卦中的两个为一组的排列, 则构成六十四卦。

The eight trigrams represent eight basic forms: qian-heaven, Kun-earth, zhen-thunder,xun-wind,gen-hill,dui-swamp,kan-water,li-fire. Arbitrary combinations of two of the eight trigrams form the sixty-four trigrams.

bā ɡuà dài biǎo bā zhǒnɡ jī běn wù xiànɡ : qián wéi tiān, kūn wéi dì, zhèn

wéi léi, xùn wéi fēnɡ, ɡèn wéi shān, duì wéi zé, kǎn wéi shuǐ, lí wéi huǒ,

zǒnɡ chēnɡ wéi jīnɡ ɡuà, yóu bā ɡè jīnɡ ɡuà zhōnɡ de liǎnɡ ɡè wéi yì zǔ de pái liè, zé ɡòu chénɡ liù shí sì ɡuà 。

eight trigrams represent eight basic forms

八卦所对应的五行 the eight trigrams corresponds to the five elements:

金-乾、兑; 乾为天,兑为泽 jin—qian\dui, qian is heaven, dui is swamp;

木-震、巽; 震为雷,巽为风 mu—zhen\xun, zhen is thunder,xun is wind;

土-坤、艮; 坤为地,艮为山 tu—kun\gen, kun is earth,gen is hill;

水-坎; 坎为水(月亮) shui—kan, kan is water(moon);

火-离; 离为火(太阳) huo—li, li is fire(sun).

bā ɡuà suǒ duì yìnɡ de wǔ xínɡ

jīn – qián 、 duì ; qián wéi tiān , duì wéi zé

mù – zhèn 、 xùn ;zhèn wéi léi , xùn wéi fēnɡ

tǔ – kūn 、 ɡèn ; kūn wéi dì , ɡèn wéi shān

shuǐ – kǎn; kǎn wéi shuǐ ( yuè liɑnɡ )

huǒ – lí;lí wéi huǒ ( tài yánɡ )

八卦分割 eight trigrams segmentation

bā ɡuà fēn ɡē

八卦: 乾 兑 离 震 巽 坎 艮 坤

Eight trigrams: qian\ dui\ li\ zhen\ xun\ kan\ gen\ kun

bā ɡuà : qián duì lí zhèn xùn kǎn ɡèn kūn

四象: 太阳 少阴 少阳 太阴

Four “xiang”: Full Yang\ Lesser Yin\ Lesser Yang\ Full Yin

sì xiànɡ : tài yánɡ shào yīn shào yánɡ tài yīn

两仪: 阳 阴

Two “Yi”: Yang\Yin

liǎnɡ yí : yánɡ yīn



























十四 饮食文化 Food Culture (shí sì yǐn shí wén huà)

1. 中华美食的特点The characteristics of Chinese food

zhōnɡ huá měi shí de tè diǎn

风味多样 Flavor variety

四季有别 different from seasons

讲究美感Pay attention to beauty

注重情趣Focus on taste

食医结合Food and medicine are closely linked

fēnɡ wèi duō yànɡ

sì jì yǒu bié

jiǎnɡ jiū měi ɡǎn

zhù zhònɡ qínɡ qù

shí yī jié hé

2. 八大菜系Eight cuisines


The “eight big cuisines of china”:

Sichuan, Guangdong, Suzhou, Fujian, Zhejiang, Zhejiang, Hunan, Anhui, Shandong cuisines

bā dà cài xì

chuān 、 yuè 、 sū 、 mǐn 、 zhè 、 xiānɡ 、 huī 、 lǔ




西北饮食中心: 西安



Food center:

North Food Center: Beijing

Southwest Food Center: “eat in China, the taste in Chengdu”, Chengdu

Northwest Food Center: Xi’an

Eastern Food Center: “the food capital of world”, Suzhou

Southern Food Center: “eating in Guangzhou”, Guangzhou

yǐn shí zhōnɡ xīn :

běi fānɡ yǐn shí zhōnɡ xīn :běi jīnɡ

xī nán yǐn shí zhōnɡ xīn:yǒu“shí zài zhōnɡ ɡuó ,wèi zài chénɡ dū”chēnɡ hào de chénɡ dū

xī běi yǐn shí zhōnɡ xīn : xī ān

dōnɡ bù yǐn shí zhōnɡ xīn :yǒu“tiān xià měi shí zhī dū”chēnɡ hào de sū zhōu

nán bù yǐn shí zhōnɡ xīn :yǒu “shí zài ɡuǎnɡ zhōu”chēnɡ hào de ɡuǎnɡ zhōu

3. 神奇的筷子Magical chopsticks (shén qí de kuài zi)



Chopsticks, it may be said is the quintessence of China. Lightweight and flexible,chopsticks is unique among all table wares of the world. It’s regarded as the “Oriental civilization” by the West. The history of using chopsticks could be traced back to the Shang Dynasty, at least three thousand years. Chopsticks are called as “Jia” during the pre-Qin period. Later in Qin and Han dynasties chopsticks is known as “Zhu”, because “chopsticks” sounds like the word “live”, “live” means stop, which is an unlucky word, so people oppose its idea and make it known as “kuai”(means fast).This is the origin of chopsticks. It is an important component feature of the Chinese diet culture. Chopsticks look very simple with two small sticks, but it has many functions such as pick, clip, mix, grill and others, and it is both convenient and cheap. Chopsticks are unique tableware in today’s world.

kuài zi,kě wèi shì zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡuó cuì。jì qīnɡ qiǎo yòu línɡ huó,zài shì jiè

ɡè ɡuó cān jù zhōnɡ dú shù yí zhì,bèi xī fānɡ rén yù wéi“dōnɡ fānɡ de wén

mínɡ”。zhōnɡ ɡuó shǐ yònɡ kuài zi lì shǐ kě zhuī sù dào shānɡ dài,zhì shǎo yǒu

sān qiān duō nián de yònɡ kuài lì shǐ。xiān qín shí qī chēnɡ kuài zi wéi“jiā”,qín hàn shí qī jiào“zhù”。ɡǔ rén shí fēn jiǎnɡ jiū jì huì,yīn“zhù”yǔ“zhù”

zì xié yīn ,“zhù”yǒu tínɡ zhǐ zhī yì,nǎi bù jí lì zhī yǔ,suǒ yǐ jiù fǎn qí

yì ér chēnɡ zhī wéi“kuài”。zhè jiù shì kuài zi mínɡ chēnɡ de yóu lái。tā shì

fǎn yìnɡ zhōnɡ ɡuó yǐn shí wén huà de zhònɡ yào zǔ chénɡ tè sè bù fen。kuài zi

kàn qǐ lái zhǐ shì fēi chánɡ jiǎn dān de liǎnɡ ɡēn xiǎo xì bànɡ,dàn tā yǒu

tiāo、bō、jiá、bàn、bā děnɡ ɡōnɡ nénɡ,qiě shǐ yònɡ fānɡ biàn,jià lián wù měi。 kuài zi yě shì dānɡ jīn shì jiè shànɡ yì zhǒnɡ dú tè de cān jù。

4. 餐桌礼仪Table manners

cān zhuō lǐ yí


First, table manners. Ask the guests or elders to take seats first. When take the seat, take it from the left side, and don’t move chopsticks as soon as you sit down. Don’t make any noise, also do not rise and move. If you have anything to do, just tell the host.

dì yī,rù zuò de lǐ yí。xiān qǐnɡ kè rén hé zhǎnɡ zhě rù zuò。rù zuò shí yào

cónɡ yǐ zi zuǒ biɑn jìn rù,rù zuò hòu bú yào dònɡ kuài zi,ɡènɡ bú yào nònɡ

chū shén me xiǎnɡ shēnɡ lái,yě bú yào qǐ shēn zǒu dònɡ。rú ɡuǒ yǒu shén me shì

yào xiànɡ zhǔ rén dǎ zhāo hu。


Second, when eating, invite the guests or elders to move chopsticks first. Don’t make noises when drinking soup. Some people like chewing food and making clear crisp sound, this is not required by etiquette.

dì èr,jìn cān shí。xiān qǐnɡ kè rén、zhǎnɡ zhě dònɡ kuài zi。hē tānɡ shí bú

yào chū shēnɡ xiǎnɡ。shǐ jìn jǔ jué cuì shí wù fā chū hěn qīnɡ xī de shēnɡ yīn, zhè zhǒnɡ zuò fǎ shì bù hé lǐ yí yāo qiú de。


Third, when eating, don’t burp, also don’t make other voices. If sneezingand other phenomenons, should say “sorry” or “please forgive me”.

dì sān,jìn cān shí bú yào dǎ ɡé,yě bú yào chū xiàn qí tā shēnɡ yīn。rú ɡuǒ

chū xiàn dǎ pēn tì děnɡ bù yóu zì zhǔ de shēnɡ xiǎnɡ shí,jiù yào shuō yī shēnɡ“zhēn bù hǎo yì si”、“duì bù qǐ”、“qǐnɡ yuán liánɡ” zhī lèi de huà yǐ shì

qiàn yì 。


Fourth, if you want to give the guests or elders food, best use serving chopsticks, and also can put dishes in front of them who sit far away. According to Chinese custom, food should be put on the table one after another. you should let the leaders,elders, guests to move chopsticks first, or invite them to move chopsticks alternately, to show your attention.

dì sì,rú ɡuǒ yào ɡěi kè rén huò zhǎnɡ bèi bù cài,zuì hǎo yònɡ ɡōnɡ kuài,yě

kě yǐ bǎ lí kè rén huò zhǎnɡ bèi yuǎn de cài yáo sònɡ dào tā men ɡēn qián。àn

wǒ men zhōnɡ huá mín zú de xí ɡuàn,cài shì yí ɡè yí ɡè wǎnɡ shànɡ duān de。rú

ɡuǒ tónɡ zhuō yǒu lǐnɡ dǎo、lǎo rén、kè rén de huà,měi dānɡ shànɡ lái yí ɡè

xīn cài shí jiù qǐnɡ tā men xiān dònɡ kuài zi,huò zhe lún liú qǐnɡ tā men

xiān dònɡ kuài zi,yǐ biǎo shì duì tā men de zhònɡ shì。


Fifth, when eat fish bone and other such things, don’t spit it outside, don’t throw it to the floor, take it slowly by hand and put it in your dish, or place it on the prepared paper close to your seat.

dì wǔ,chī dào yú tóu、yú cì、ɡǔ tou děnɡ wù shí,bú yào wǎnɡ wài miàn tǔ,yě

bú yào wǎnɡ dì shànɡ rēnɡ,yào màn màn yònɡ shǒu ná dào zì jǐ de dié zi lǐ,huò

fànɡ zài jǐn kào zì jǐ cān zhuō biān huò fànɡ zài shì xiān zhǔn bèi hǎo de zhǐ

shànɡ 。


Sixth, talk with people who sit next to you in order to make a harmonious atmosphere. Don’t eat like wolves and tigers, don’t drink too much.

dì liù,yào shì shí de chōu kònɡ hé zuǒ yòu de rén liáo jǐ jù fēnɡ qù de huà yǐ

tiáo hé qì fēn。bú yào lánɡ tūn hǔ yān dì dà chī yí dùn,ɡènɡ bú yào tān bēi 。


Seventh, best not pick your teeth at the table. If you want to pick your teeth, should use your hand or a napkin to cover mouth.

dì qī,zuì hǎo bú yào zài cān zhuō shànɡ tì yá。rú ɡuǒ yào tì yá shí,jiù yào

yònɡ cān jīn huò shǒu dǎnɡ zhù zì jǐ de zuǐ bɑ 。


Eighth, make clear the main task of this meal. To make clear the main task is to talk about the business, or to contact the feelings, or to eat mainly. If the former, must pay attention to the seating arrangements, the chief negotiators’ seats should be close to each other in order to talk or dredge emotion. If it is the latter, then only need to pay attention to common courtesy, focus on enjoying the dishes.

dì bā,yào mínɡ què cǐ cì jìn cān de zhǔ yào rèn wù。yào mínɡ què yǐ tán shēnɡ yi wéi zhǔ,hái shì yǐ lián luò ɡǎn qínɡ wéi zhǔ,huò shì yǐ chī fàn wéi zhǔ。rú

ɡuǒ shì qián zhě,zài ān pái zuò wèi shí jiù yào zhù yì,bǎ zhǔ yào tán pàn rén de zuò wèi xiānɡ hù kào jìn biàn yú jiāo tán huò shū tōnɡ qínɡ ɡǎn。rú ɡuǒ shì hòu

zhě,zhǐ xū yào zhù yì yí xiàr chánɡ shí xìnɡ de lǐ jié jiù xínɡ le. bǎ zhònɡ

diǎn fànɡ zài xīn shǎnɡ cài yáo shànɡ。


Ninth, have to appreciate the host when leave, or invite the host to your home later in return.

dì jiǔ,zuì hòu lí xí shí,bì xū xiànɡ zhǔ rén biǎo shì ɡǎn xiè,huò zhě jiù

cǐ shí yāo qǐnɡ zhǔ rén yǐ hòu dào zì jǐ jiā zuò kè yǐ shì huí jìnɡ 。

4.纪录片《舌尖上的中国》The documentary “A Bite of China”

jì lù piàn 《 shé jiān shànɡ de zhōnɡ ɡuó 》


Additional Cultural knowledge

1. 岁寒三友——松、竹、梅

three durable plants of winter – pine, bamboo and plum blossom

suì hán sān yǒu — sōnɡ 、 zhú 、 méi

2. 花中四君子——梅、兰、竹、菊

four gentle flowers– plum blossom,orchid,bamboo and chrysanthemum

huā zhōnɡ sì jūn zǐ — méi 、 lán 、 zhú 、 jú

(received 12.11.2012 by Ms. Li Yunfang from

(posted/reviewed 24.03.2013